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Version 1.x > Technical support > CMSForm View modes: 
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wtijsma - 2/1/2005 12:09:20 PM
I'm having difficulties using the CMSForm, I hardly have any control over it.

I can't access the BasicForm property, because it's only created after the CreateChildControls() is called. Is there a solution for this? I would like to use your form-engine in the website itself, but need to change buttons, functionality etc...

Any Ideas?


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admin - 2/3/2005 4:15:08 PM
Re: CMSForm
Hi Wiebe,

could you please post more details on what you're trying to do with the BasicForm control? Perhaps, you could use the Page.FindControl method in the Page_PreRender event to get the control instance and make the modifications there.

Generally, we plan to unveil a new module for on-site forms called Kentico BizForms in some of the nearest versions. It will not only capture data from web forms but it will also allow you to view results directly in the CMS Desk interface.

Thank you.

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wtijsma - 2/4/2005 9:36:04 AM
Re: CMSForm
The BizForms would be a very good addition, I would like to discuss this some time, I have an idea for this... I'll try the page_prerender tip, thanks.