1/4/2005 12:38:54 PM
Re: Custom DataSets
Well, first of all I'm less familiar with your CMS tree structure, so I've created strictly typed datasets for all your CMS related tables. It will prevent errors, and I can use intellisense to retrieve and set the field values. Because you call the New DataSet() constructor already very deeply into the CMS structure, while this isn't necessary at all, and get rids of all the nice things of strictly typing
I think it's usually bad practice to combine the datasets and ADO.NET database provider classes into the same class (good object orientation = high coherence, low coupling, remember?) preferably, try to encapsulate only 1 or 2 specific generic actions (patterns) in a class, that depends on only 1 or 2 other classes. Did you guys do C++ or Java or Delphi or any other OO language before .NET?