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Version 1.x > Technical support > BUG: Error when clicking 'approve' View modes: 
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wtijsma - 4/21/2005 1:39:57 PM
BUG: Error when clicking 'approve'
While trying to approve a document, I got this error:

Server Error in '/vitsol/kentico/cmsdesk' Application.

Index was outside the bounds of the array.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.

Source Error:

Line 483: if (UseMultilingualSupport())
Line 484: {
Line 485: return aliasPath.Substring(aliasPath.Split('/')[1].Length + 1);
Line 486: }
Line 487: else

Source File: C:\Projecten\Website\trunk\src\CMSDesk_cs\Functions.cs Line: 485

Stack Trace:

[IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.]
Kentico.CMS.CMSDesk.Functions.RemoveCultureFromAliasPath(String aliasPath) in C:\Projecten\Website\trunk\src\CMSDesk_cs\Functions.cs:485
Kentico.CMS.CMSDesk.Publish.SendWorkflowApprove() in C:\Projecten\Website\trunk\src\CMSDesk_cs\Content\Publish.aspx.cs:385
Kentico.CMS.CMSDesk.Publish.btnSubmitToApprove_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) in C:\Projecten\Website\trunk\src\CMSDesk_cs\Content\Publish.aspx.cs:243
System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e) +108
System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.System.Web.UI.IPostBackEventHandler.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument) +57
System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(IPostBackEventHandler sourceControl, String eventArgument) +18
System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(NameValueCollection postData) +33
System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain() +1292

Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:1.1.4322.2032; ASP.NET Version:1.1.4322.2032

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wtijsma - 4/21/2005 1:45:16 PM
Re: BUG: Error when clicking 'approve'
It does approve the document correctly though... (?!)

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admin - 4/23/2005 7:44:20 PM
Re: BUG: Error when clicking 'approve'
Hi Wiebe,

Does this occur all the time and with all documents or only sometimes?

Thank you,

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wtijsma - 4/25/2005 9:20:39 AM
Re: BUG: Error when clicking 'approve'
Hi Petr,

Yes, it occurs every time...

Thanks, Wiebe