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Version 1.x > Technical support > Schema files View modes: 
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wtijsma - 4/7/2005 2:08:17 PM
Schema files

I'm using your schema files for strictly typed datasets, however it's missing the fields that are available from the CMS_Tree. Is it possible to add this?

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admin - 4/7/2005 6:49:38 PM
Re: Schema files
Hi Wiebe,

Unfortunately, we cannot add the fields from the CMS_Tree table to the schema files due to the architecture of the data layer. The data layer receives and saves data from both tables separately and it internally joins/splits them into one/two datarows. That's why we need to use separate schema files.

However, you can easily generate the "combined" schema by retrieving the JOIN of both tables into database and saving the schema of that dataset to some file.

Should you need any help with that, please feel free to ask.

Best Regards,