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sciamannikoo - 3/25/2005 2:38:34 PM
Wish for CMS Desk: Skins
I would like to customize CMS Desk, but I've some doubt, because I hate eventually new versions wich touch CMS Desk.

I've think a solution, but should be implemented in all new version of Kentico to leave useful.

If, instead of actual version, a "skinanble" version of CMS Desk, with customizable CSS Style Sheet (located out of cmsdesk folder) and/or not compiled resx files, can be useful and indipendent of new versions (when do not include UI modifications).


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admin - 4/8/2005 3:34:04 PM
Re: Wish for CMS Desk: Skins
Hi Andrea,

I'm sorry for the delay in answering your interesting post. Actually, since version 1.6 all css styles are stored in the CSS style sheets. All stylesheets and images are placed in the cmsdesk\design folder. You're free to modify them. Of course, you may need to make a compare during the upgrade. Unfortunately, there's no simpler solution since we add new features with new styles and graphics in every new version. Since version 1.6 we started to include a description of changes in CSS stylesheets in the version history that can be found in the Developer's Guide.

Regarding resx files - yes, we plan to use non-compiled resx files in the next version so that we make it easier for our customers to change the strings.

Best Regards,