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Version 1.x > Technical support > TreeMenu displays incorrect label View modes: 
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cpaul - 3/24/2005 10:20:56 PM
TreeMenu displays incorrect label
I've defined two templates, ProductCategory and Product, and am displaying a tree of the ProductCategories, but occasionally, the label displayed is pulled from another location, such as a page name, though the behavior is as though it were a product Category.

I'm placing the treemenu as so:

<cc1:cmstreemenu id="CMSTreeMenu1" runat="server" Indentation="2" MenuItemOpenImageUrl="~/images/menuitem_selected.gif"
MenuItemImageUrl="~/images/menuitem.gif" SelectNodesPath="/Products/%" SelectNodesPathType="AliasPath" SelectNodesClassNames="cms.ProductCategory"></cc1:cmstreemenu>

And my document hierarchy is:

/ (Root)
/Home (type = menuitem)
Splash (article text for main welcome page)
/Products (type = menuitem)
CategoryA (type = productcategory)
Category1 (type=productcategory)
SomeProduct (type=product)

However the tree gets rendered as such:


And in other pages I've tried I've seen the same thing. Is this a known bug or a mistake in the paths I've set?

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admin - 3/25/2005 8:43:51 AM
Re: TreeMenu displays incorrect label

we have tried to reproduce this issue, but everything seems to be working. Could you please send me the whole page (aspx + code behind file) to I will take a look at it.

Thank you.

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admin - 3/29/2005 10:47:13 AM
Re: TreeMenu displays incorrect label
Unfortunately, this is a bug. It will be fixed in version 1.6 later this week.

Thank you for notifying us about it.

Best Regards,