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Version 1.x > Technical support > BUG: Can't change location of page templates View modes: 
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wtijsma - 3/23/2005 9:15:20 AM
BUG: Can't change location of page templates
If I try to save a Page Template that already exists, it gives the error "The page template name is already used by another template. Please use some other name" while it's the same page template I'm trying to save. Changing the location doesn't update the records that use it either, I have to do this either manually, or use Enterprise manager. Wouldn't it be an idea to save this in the database as well? Seems like a typical relational issue...

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admin - 3/23/2005 1:05:45 PM
Re: BUG: Can't change location of page templates
Hi Wiebe,

Thank you for your message. We will fix this in version 1.6. We plan moving the list of page templates to the database in some of the next versions as well as adding a categorization of page templates.