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Version 1.x > Technical support > Published Documents Only? View modes: 
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wtijsma - 3/9/2005 10:50:15 AM
Published Documents Only?
I'm using the CMSViewer to show a list of documents. Versioning & workflow is not enabled for these documents, but I do wish to use the Publish From and Publish To fields, is this possible?

the CMSViewer.SelectOnlyPublishedDocuments is true, but still it shows documents where the 'Publish To' is expired.

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wtijsma - 3/9/2005 10:50:36 AM
Re: Published Documents Only?
found the bug:

see this function in the ContentProvider:

public string GetNodesContent(string path, TreePathTypeEnum pathType, string className, string transformationName, string where, string orderBy, int maxRelativeLevel, bool selectOnlyPublished, int checkPermissionsForUserId)
DataSet resultDS = TreeProvider.SelectNodes(path, pathType, className, where, orderBy, maxRelativeLevel);

// check permissions
if (checkPermissionsForUserId != 0)
TreeSecurityProvider treeSec = new TreeSecurityProvider(TreeProvider);
resultDS = treeSec.FilterDataSetByPermissions(resultDS, NodePermissionsEnum.Read, checkPermissionsForUserId);

return Transform(resultDS.GetXml(), transformationName);

the selectOnlyPublished isn't passed to the SelectNodes method.

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admin - 3/15/2005 7:22:44 AM
Re: Published Documents Only?
Hi Wiebe,

Thank you very much for notifying us about this bug! We have rewritten part of the ContentProvider library and this will be fixed in version 1.6 (next week).

Best Regards,