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wtijsma - 3/4/2005 10:40:57 AM
XHTML compatibility
Hi Petr,

I'm trying to maintain XHTML conformance with my website, however the CMSViewer
(and probably other components) alway output a <span> tag. In XHTML, <span> tags are not allowed to contain block level elements (such as div's or tables). I don't know if this inherent to using the System.Web.Ui.WebControl, but would it be possible to disable the rendering of this <span> tag for the controls in a future release, or use a <div> tag instead?


Wiebe Tijsma

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admin - 3/7/2005 7:43:13 AM
Re: XHTML compatibility
Hi Wiebe,

Thank you for this message. XHTML compliance is certainly one of our goals for the near future. We will try to find a way how to avoid the extra <span> tag.

In the meantime, you could use the solution with extended XHTML DTD described at:

Thank you.

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wtijsma - 3/8/2005 10:39:13 AM
Re: XHTML compatibility
Hi Petr,

You can override the TagKey property of the WebControl to change the output tag to <div>


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admin - 3/8/2005 10:52:05 AM
Re: XHTML compatibility
Thanks, Wiebe! We will try to implement it in version 1.6.