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wahid - 5/13/2005 8:03:33 AM
BUG? CMSRepeater for displaying one document
I created a document template: MyApp.Event.
I have a Page(menu item) that displays all documents of ClassName MyApp.Event, using a QueryRepeater. One can click on an event to display the full description.
The same page contains a CMSRepeater which is Visible only when one event has to be displayed (event clicked >> the current document is of type MyApp.Event).
When I don't put any value in the SelectNodesPath of the CMSRepeater, nothing is shown (by default the current document, which is of type MyApp.Event should be displayed, right?).
I set the SelectNodesPath to the current AliasPath in the Page.Load function, then only it works: CMSRepeaterEvent.SelectNodesPath = Functions.GetAliasPath().
Is that a bug?
Here is the tree view for better understanding:
Events (menuitem)
--event1 (MyApp.Event)
--event2 (MyApp.Event)
--event3 (MyApp.Event)

Thank you.

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admin - 5/19/2005 1:43:00 PM
Re: BUG? CMSRepeater for displaying one document
Hi Wahid,

I'm sorry for the delay in answering this question. This is a standard behavior. The CMSRepeater (CMSDataGrid, CMSDataList) is primarily used for displaying multiple documents, so it takes the current path from the URL and adds "/%" at the end in order to display all underlying items.

If you want to display the selected item only, you need to add the simple code that you used.

We plan to add support for creating "transformations" based on standard ASP.NET databinding expressions. It will be possible to use them in the CMSViewer control instead of XSLT transformations. It will solve this issue.

Best Regards,