5/13/2005 8:03:33 AM
BUG? CMSRepeater for displaying one document
Hi, I created a document template: MyApp.Event. I have a Page(menu item) that displays all documents of ClassName MyApp.Event, using a QueryRepeater. One can click on an event to display the full description. The same page contains a CMSRepeater which is Visible only when one event has to be displayed (event clicked >> the current document is of type MyApp.Event). When I don't put any value in the SelectNodesPath of the CMSRepeater, nothing is shown (by default the current document, which is of type MyApp.Event should be displayed, right?). I set the SelectNodesPath to the current AliasPath in the Page.Load function, then only it works: CMSRepeaterEvent.SelectNodesPath = Functions.GetAliasPath(). Is that a bug? Here is the tree view for better understanding: Events (menuitem) --event1 (MyApp.Event) --event2 (MyApp.Event) --event3 (MyApp.Event)
Thank you.