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Version 1.x > Technical support > BUG: Inserting new TemplateAttribute to Page(MenuItem) View modes: 
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janusz - 5/11/2005 2:28:37 PM
BUG: Inserting new TemplateAttribute to Page(MenuItem)
When I try to insert a new template attribute to the built-in document type - Page(MenuItem) then following error occurs:

Object reference not set to an instance of an object

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admin - 5/12/2005 10:18:25 AM
Re: BUG: Inserting new TemplateAttribute to Page(MenuItem)
Hi Janusz,

Thank you for your message. This should generally work and many clients actually use it. Could you please provide more details? What values do you set to the new custom attribute?

Thank you.

Best Regards,

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janusz - 5/12/2005 4:40:34 PM
Re: BUG: Inserting new TemplateAttribute to Page(MenuItem)
OK. It is not only a bug on Page(MenuItem)

Whenever I insert a new attribute of text type.

allow empty value is unchecked
display attribute in the editing form is unchecked

When I save it it is OK. But when I want to edit this attribute later then I get error message:

Object reference not set to an instance of an object


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admin - 5/12/2005 6:48:02 PM
Re: BUG: Inserting new TemplateAttribute to Page(MenuItem)
Hi Janusz,

Thank you for details. This is unfortunately a bug that occurs when you uncheck the "display attribute in editing form" box. It's already fixed in the nearest version on which we are working right now.

I'm sorry for this bug. In the meatime, you can use a workaround: please open the file CMSDesk\metadata\cms\menuitem\forms\default.config and add the following attribute inside the to the <field> element that causes the problem:


Should you need any help with that, please feel free to contact me.

Best Regards,