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Version 1.x > Technical support > BUG : Title tag not shown - How to fix View modes: 
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wahid - 5/7/2005 1:10:51 AM
BUG : Title tag not shown - How to fix
When using the function Functions.GetPageTitleTag(aliasPath) or Functions.GetPageTags(aliasPath) in <head> of templates, the tag <title> is returned empty.
This is caused by a small bug in a line of the function Functions.GetPageTitleTag(aliasPath).
if (dr != null && dr["MenuItemPageTitle"] == System.DBNull.Value) should read
if (dr != null && dr["MenuItemPageTitle"] != System.DBNull.Value)

I hope this helps someone.

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cpaul - 5/9/2005 11:01:56 PM
Re: BUG : Title tag not shown - How to fix
I had been annoyed by this for a while and was actually coming here to post a bug report on it.

Thanks a bunch!

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admin - 5/10/2005 9:18:48 AM
Re: BUG : Title tag not shown - How to fix
Hi Wahid,

Thank you for posting this here. We are going to release the upgrade with several bug fixes at the end of this week.

Best Regards,