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wtijsma - 5/20/2005 2:20:39 PM
Error in production

I'm having difficulties getting the website up and running:

- The CMSDesk doesn't seem to rename/delete/add the appropriately folders, even though the IUSR has all the necessary rights (isn't that a security risk by the way?).

- You're (still) not throwing any useful exceptions if parameters or arguments are missing or invalid in your functions in about every class of the KenticoCMS, I think I mentioned this with version 1.0 already, but now at 1.6b there's still no improvement at all.

- I just got a 'service unavailable' because I tried experimenting with different values for the key="CMSWebApplicationVirtualPath" because with some value ("/" or "./" or "./.") it get's into a recursive (DB query executing ?!) loop somewhere in the TreeProvider class.

- I think somewhere you're catching an exception without rethrowing it. You really have to stop doing that without somehow noticing the user or logging that something went wrong. An exception is raised because there's an exceptional situation and you can't just continue and pretend like nothing happened and just return null in your function or variable, because something WILL go wrong at another place making it harder to debug.

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wtijsma - 5/23/2005 2:14:19 PM
Re: Error in production
Figured it out, somehow if this is the configuration:

<key="CMSWebApplicationVirtualPath" value=""/> (because other values don't work)

the folders get created under /cmsdesk/[aliaspath] instead of /[aliaspath].
Please propose a change, or make it possible to make sure the "CMSWebApplicationVirtualPath" can also contain "/" without errors somewhere else.

Thanks, Wiebe

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admin - 6/8/2005 6:28:43 PM
Re: Error in production
Hi Wiebe,

Unfortunately, we cannot reproduce such behavior. The standard value in you your case is <key="CMSWebApplicationVirtualPath" value="/"/>

Could you please provide more details on when and where this causes problems?

Thank you.

Best Regards,