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wahid - 5/19/2005 9:48:48 PM
CMSSearchResults / searchtree question

I am using CMSSearchResults to display search results. In the documentation, it says that CMSSearchResults uses "searchtree" queries with each document template.
I don't want images that were uploaded to be listed, so I modified the "searchtree" query for the CMS.File template, and I added " AND [FileMimeType] Not Like 'image%' ".
But images are still listed. I tried the same query in the QueryAnalyser, it worked.
Is this normal?

Is there another way to filter results without rewriting another control, or using the API?

Thank you.

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admin - 6/8/2005 6:04:26 PM
Re: CMSSearchResults / searchtree question
Hi Wahid,

I'm very sorry for the delay. This is actually caused by the fact that the Proc_CMS_Tree_SearchTree stored procedure is always called for searching content. This procedure searches document names of all documents (NodeName column in the CMS_Tree table). You may need to modify the procedure, so that is doesn't search in files:

CREATE PROCEDURE Proc_CMS_Tree_SearchTree @Expression nvarchar(1000), @IDPath nvarchar(450)


SELECT *, NodeName as SearchResultName
FROM view_cms_tree_joined
WHERE IDPath LIKE @IDPath and NodeName LIKE '%'+ @Expression +'%' and className <> 'cms.file'

Then, you will still be able to search other CMS_File table columns using the searchtree query of the CMS.File document type.

Best Regards,