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janusz - 5/19/2005 6:00:45 PM
Javascript error after Save of custom editing page

I have tried to implement my own editing page. Everything went quite well except the refresh of the tree menu after the save of editing page.

The javascript error I am getting is :
Line 70
Char 3
Error : 'document.getElementById(...)' is null or not an object

My refresh after save of the page works fine with update. After the insert the tree refreshes nicely as well. But the error I get is when I perform insert and then click on some node in the tree.

My refresh code for insert is:

<script language=javascript>parent.frames['header'].RefreshAfterInsert('12', '/79/80/81');</script>




Developer's help - Editing page. This page refers to the Article_Edit.aspx page. I could not find it in Kentico distribution. Is it really there or the help page is not updated?

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admin - 6/8/2005 5:24:11 PM
Re: Javascript error after Save of custom editing page
Hi Janusz,

I'm very sorry for the delay. the RefreshAfterInsert method expects two parameters - the first one is the IDPath of the new node and the second one is the IDPath of the parent node of the new node:

parent.frames['header'].RefreshAfterInsert('/548/332/611', '/548/332');

Regarding the article_edit.aspx page - this is really an old file that is no longer distributed with Kentico CMS. We will update this part of documentation in the nearest version.

Best Regards,