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janusz - 6/28/2005 10:49:35 AM
Hide nodes in CMSDesk
Is there any way how to hide document tree nodes in CMSDesk Content tab? I have experimented with document level permissions like Read, Unfold tree but with no success.



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admin - 6/29/2005 6:07:29 PM
Re: Hide nodes in CMSDesk
Hi Janusz,

Thank you for your message. Could you please write more details on what kind of nodes you want to hide and why? Generally, the "Unfold tree" permission should restrict user from unfolding the document to lower levels. Have you experienced any problem with this?

Thank you.

Best Regards,

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janusz - 6/30/2005 12:05:40 PM
Re: Hide nodes in CMSDesk
Yes. I am not able to restrict user from unfolding the document to lower levels.

Let's say I have a role called ProductManagers

I have a node under the root called Products. I would like to restrict the ProductManagers to be able to unfold only the Products node. Other nodes under the root should not be visible or should not be possible to unfold them.

I have tried to set it up like this>

Unfold tree permission on CMSContent for ProductManagers
Unfold tree permission on Products for ProductManagers

However, if I set CMSContent Unfold tree permission then all the subnodes can be unfolded. If I do not setup up CMSContent Unfold permission then I cannot access CMSDesk.

What is the correct setup?



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admin - 6/30/2005 2:14:07 PM
Re: Hide nodes in CMSDesk
Hi Janusz,

Thank you for the details. Here's a configuration that works:

1) Grant role ProductManagers with "Unfold tree" permission for the root node (/).
2) Deny "Unfold tree" permission to role ProductManagers on the /Products document.

Here's the explanation for the rest of your question:

- When you grant user with global permission for CMS Content module, the permission overrides all local settings.
- You need to grant user with "Unfold tree" permission for his/her starting node (by default, it is the root node). Otherwise, the system cannot unfold the tree structure and displays the error saying that the user doesn't have any permissions.

Should you need more details, please feel free to contact me.

Best Regards,

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janusz - 6/30/2005 3:36:53 PM
Re: Hide nodes in CMSDesk
Thanks Petr.

That was what I was doing and I was wondering why it did not work. But now I have discovered the settings is web.config - CMSAllowUnfoldingOfAnyDocument - which is true by default.

After adding :
<add key="CMSAllowUnfoldingOfAnyDocument" value="false"/>

Everything is fine.


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admin - 7/13/2005 1:22:04 PM
Re: Hide nodes in CMSDesk
Hi Janusz,

we were just verifying this and yes, I was my fail - I haven't mentioned this setting. I hope everything works fine now.

I'm sorry for this confusion.

Thank you.

Best Regards,