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janusz - 8/25/2005 5:07:11 PM
Output Filter

Just wanted to ask about the behaviour of Output filter. I have found out that when I put on the page code like that in Page_Load


Then the response is not visible on the rendered page. I have figured out that it is a problem of Response.Filter. I can switch of the output filter in the web.config but it does not help the problem. However it does help if I comment the lines in global.asax

'If Request.Path.ToLower.IndexOf("getfile.aspx") < 0 AndAlso Response.ContentType.ToLower = "text/html" AndAlso InStr(HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsolutePath.ToLower, "/cmsdesk") = 0 Then
' Response.Filter = New Kentico.CMS.CMSOutputFilter.OutputFilter(Response.Filter)
'End If

Then the response works as ussual. I think you should have a test on web.config entry on these lines as well.

Also, I would be interested in other effects of the Output filter on execution cycle of the page and other possible problems.



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admin - 8/26/2005 11:26:30 AM
Re: Output Filter
Hi Janusz,

you may need to modify the code so that it excludes your page from the Output Filter. You can also switch off the output filter completely in the web.config, but then the postbacks on some pages with URL Rewriting may not work correctly. You can solve this issue by using a Label control instead of Response.Write.

Best Regards,