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Version 1.x > Technical supportSmall bug in Output filter 1.7 View modes: 
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janusz - 8/17/2005 3:33:08 PM
Small bug in Output filter 1.7
When I have a HTML content displayed in CMSViewer and the text in DB or FCKeditor is like that:

<p align="left">Legal action is best kept as a last resort, and it’s sensible to be certain this is the best route to take.</p>

then the content is rendered to:

<p align="left">legal action is best kept as a last resort, and it’s sensible to be certain this is the best route to take.</p>

First letter is converted to lower case. I have noticed that this applies only to some tag combinations, not to all tags.


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admin - 8/18/2005 11:45:10 AM
Re: Small bug in Output filter 1.7
Hi Janusz,

Thank you for your message. We will try to solve this in the nearest version. In the meantime, you may need to switch off the XHTML part of the output filter:

<add key="CMSFixXHTML" value="false" />

Thank you.

Best Regards,