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janusz - 8/14/2005 12:06:23 AM
CMSViewer with SelectNodesClassNames

I am wondering how to use SelectNodesClassNames with CMSViewer. I would like to display different document types at once in CMSViewer using ViewMode=MultipleItems.

In that case what TransformationName I should put in the property? I would like to render every document type with its own default transformation.

Currently, if I do not specify the transformationName then I get an error like:

Invalid format of TransformationName '_cs-cz'. The value must be in format 'application_name.class_name].transformation_name'.



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admin - 8/16/2005 9:07:53 AM
Re: CMSViewer with SelectNodesClassNames
Hi Janusz,

the CMSViewer.SelectNodesClassNames property allows you to set several document types. However, if you specify them, you can use only single transformation.

This property is intended for cases when you need to display several types of items that are hierarchically organized - such as products + accessories. Please see Developer's Guide -> Publishing Content Using XSLT/ASCX -> Writing XSLT Stylesheets -> Displaying Several Document Types.

Should you need any help with that, please feel free to contact me.

Best Regards,

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janusz - 8/16/2005 10:38:22 AM
Re: CMSViewer with SelectNodesClassNames
Thanks Petr. I haven't noticed this feature. I think that solves my problems.

Thanks a lot!
