8/9/2005 5:31:12 PM
Re: Integrating with existing Forms authentication.
I got it to semi-work. I can't use our forms authentication and the CMS authentication at the same time, but the CMS authentication is only used administratively, and not by our customers, so that is not a problem.
My forms authentication occupies the main section of the web.config, like this.
<authentication mode="Forms"> <forms loginUrl="user/logon.aspx" protection="All" timeout="60" slidingExpiration="true"/> </authentication> <authorization> <allow users="*" /><!-- Allow all users --> </authorization>
I set up the Kentico CMS authenticaion for the cmsdesk folder only, like this:
<location path="cmsdesk"> <system.web> <authentication mode="Forms"> <forms name="CMSCookie" loginUrl="cmsdesk/Logon.aspx" protection="All" timeout="60" slidingExpiration="true" /> </authentication> </system.web> </location>