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janusz - 7/30/2005 7:25:10 PM
CMSDesk hangs in the browser after closing the popup - other windows are working
I am having very annoying problem with popup window in Kentico. I will try to explain.

On the edit form I have a custom ascx control which has a textbox and html button inside.

On click of the html button I perform a javascript command which opens another

page in the root of my project file in Kentico.

This page is a list page which contains a datagrid. When I click on the item then this

javascript function is called.

function selectCustomer(targetID, customerID, customerName)
var loc = top.window.opener.document.location.href;

top.window.opener.document.location.href= loc;

This javascript function refreshes the parent document a closes the window. (This

javascript function is only the simplest version of my function that I can reproduce the

error on)

Most of the times the parent edit.aspx gets refreshed fine and everything works. However,

if I click on the item in popup window in first 2-5 seconds then the whole Kentico freezes

- the IE bar looks like the page is loading but nothing happens (the popup gets closed)

When the UI is frozen then I can perform right click in the edit area of the parent form

and I can see that a different URL is set


The application is fine but the UI does not respond to any clicks. Even if I go to another

website and then try to type kentico cmsdesk url then Kentico does not want to start.

If I close the browser and open Kentico in new browser then everything works.

I thought that the problem is in the selectCustomer javascript function. But I have put a

alert(top.window.opener.document.location.href) inside and I could see that location is set

at all times.

Then I thought that something is wrong inside the edit.aspx file. I have put the

application into a debug mode. From the tracing I could see that the edit.aspx is called

after that popup is closed. Even all the code is executed on the page. Just after I cannot

debug anymore because all the edit.asxp code is executed then the window freezes.

Does anyone has any ideas what could be the problem or what other tests I could perform? I

am running out of the ideas.



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admin - 8/1/2005 7:27:32 AM
Re: CMSDesk hangs in the browser after closing the popup - other windows are working
Hi Janusz,

could you please test this on FireFox or on some other computer to make sure this isn't an IE-issue?

Thank you.

Best Regards,

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janusz - 8/2/2005 11:01:20 AM
Re: CMSDesk hangs in the browser after closing the popup - other windows are working

I am really surprised. Thank you for your suggestion. I have checked it on a different computer and it works fine. The configuration of the different computer is the same - XP SP2 with IE 6.0. I will wait for the 1.7 version and see if the problem still exists.
