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janusz - 9/22/2005 2:12:53 PM
Problem with Content Staging

I am not able to synchronize the changes. I have setup the settings according to help files.

This is the error when I try to synchronize any item.

Jeeves 1.7a 22/09/2005 13:11:51 Microsoft.Web.Services2.Security.SecurityFault: An error was discovered processing the header ---> System.Exception: Creation time in the timestamp can not be in the future. --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at Microsoft.Web.Services2.Security.Utility.Timestamp.CheckValid() at Microsoft.Web.Services2.Security.Utility.Timestamp.LoadXml(XmlElement element) at Microsoft.Web.Services2.Security.Utility.Timestamp..ctor(XmlElement element) at Microsoft.Web.Services2.Security.Security.LoadXml(XmlElement element) at Microsoft.Web.Services2.Security.SecurityInputFilter.ProcessMessage(SoapEnvelope envelope) at Microsoft.Web.Services2.Pipeline.ProcessInputMessage(SoapEnvelope envelope) at Microsoft.Web.Services2.WebServicesExtension.BeforeDeserializeServer(SoapServerMessage message)

I was wondering if this error can be related to the problems with American and English date formats. I have checked the DB on both servers and also a default culture code in CMSDesk and everything is fine. Also I have changed the preferred cultures of user who performs the synchronization to en-gb.

We have a small time difference between servers (around 5minutes), but I have tried to synchronize it later and with no success.



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janusz - 9/22/2005 3:08:54 PM
Re: Problem with Content Staging
After couple of tests I have realized that if I synchronize the content between two instances on the same computer then its fine. So it seems like its the problem of a time difference between servers. How could I solve this issue? I am not quite sure if its possible to have both servers with the same time.

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janusz - 9/22/2005 3:54:21 PM
Re: Problem with Content Staging
I have found out that the target server must have the same or newer time than the source server. I have synchronized the time with windows time service and it works fine. However, I am not sure how this will be working in a future when servers does not have to be time synchronized neccessarily.

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admin - 9/26/2005 11:57:57 AM
Re: Problem with Content Staging
Hi Janusz,

The timestamps are necessary for securing the synchronization web service. We will add a configuration parameter that will allow you to set up a larger expiration period in the next version, however, you will still need to ensure that the target server doesn't have a time behind the source server as it would lead to error.

Best Regards,

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janusz - 9/26/2005 12:04:47 PM
Re: Problem with Content Staging
Thanks Petr.

Nevertheless, I have realized that I cannot use the content staging. Its not the problem of CMS at all. I have just implemented to many new features and database changes (like a linking tables that link rows in different document tables) that it would be really difficult now to change all my code to work with Content staging. I have decided that I will just setup an everyday nighly backup + 5 minutes backup of transaction log. So if anything goes wrong or CMS Editors delete accidentaly some content then I can restore it.
