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Version 1.x > Technical support > FCKEditor Editable when item is not checked out View modes: 
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ta5ae - 9/14/2005 12:14:04 PM
FCKEditor Editable when item is not checked out
Dear All,

Do you have any tips or work arounds for disabling the FCKEditor when an item is not checked out? All the other fields are greyed out, however the FCKEditor field is still editable.

The FreeTextBox editor seems to be able to be disabled appropriately when used in this scenario.

I have seen this in version 1.6 and 1.7, best regards,


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admin - 9/17/2005 8:36:09 AM
Re: FCKEditor Editable when item is not checked out
Hi Tessa,

we know about this issue. Unfortunately, the FCKEditor doesn't provide such option by default. We will try to modify its code and solve this issue in some of the nearest versions.

Best Regards,