11/28/2005 1:16:48 PM
Product Page template and EditableRegion
I'm trying to make a product's page like this:
_____________________________________________________ |___________ |Familly Logo | Header |___________| | |____________________________________________________ | | Datalist wich shows Product's Information | |____________________________________________________ | | Foot |____________________________________________________
Where: -Many Products can share a Familly Logo -The name of the familly logo is not in rapport with the product's name or other characteristics
How can I do that? I've first think about editable regions, but I cannot configure them for the pages that shown cms.product.default transformation... I can write something like this in the code-behind:
CMSEditableRegion1.Value="<img height='116' alt='' src='/CorporateSite/GetFile.aspx?aliaspath=/images/product_familly_logo_gif' width='175' />"; But I cannot know before the name that the user's will give to the image, specially 'cause it also depends on the product that the CMSDatalist is shown. I find the shame problem if I use a CMSViewer... I've thought to include a champ in the product's template with the name of the familly logo, but I don't know how to retrievethis champ in the code-behind to build the string. If anyone can help me (or has a simplest way to do it...) I'd be very grateful