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pphillips - 11/15/2005 11:04:48 PM
CSS Templates
Hi, I have a couple of questions:

1. I have a XHTML/CSS design web site which looks great but when I add Editable Regions it does not render the HTML correctly.

Original HTML:

<div id="header">Site</div>

When using the EditRegion Control it renders the html as:
<span id="header">Site</span>

Is there anyway to change the Tag that the EditRegion control generates to <div>?

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Chameane - 11/16/2005 3:43:36 PM
Re: CSS Templates
Hi, I've just found this in the developper's Guide:

You have to add this line to your web.config
<add key="CMSControlElement" value="div"/>

More details: Appendix A- Web.Config Parameters
Hope this could help you...

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pphillips - 11/16/2005 10:32:10 PM
Re: CSS Templates
Thank you for advice.

This feature does not exist in the current version (1.7).

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admin - 11/17/2005 2:28:10 PM
Re: CSS Templates
Thank you for your posts. The web.config parameter is correct. Unfortunately, it doesn't work with CMSEditableRegion control in version 1.7b. It will be fixed in version 1.8 that is scheduled for the next week. After you upgrade and set this value in your web.config, the <span> tag will be replaced with <div> tag. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

Best Regards,