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Version 1.x > Technical support > Can we use variable on SelectNodesWhere of cmsdatalist? View modes: 
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astajl - 10/26/2005 7:50:24 AM
Can we use variable on SelectNodesWhere of cmsdatalist?
<div class="ProductList"> <cc1:cmsdatalist id="ProductList" runat="server" SelectNodesClassName="cms.Product" RepeatColumns="1" CellPadding="5" TransformationName="cms.Product.preview" SelectedItemTransformationName="cms.Product.detail" SelectNodesWhere="Price>100">

The above coding will only display the product with price larger than 100. However, if 100 is a variable, let say get from value from session, then what can we do?

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admin - 10/27/2005 8:29:13 AM
Re: Can we use variable on SelectNodesWhere of cmsdatalist?

due to the page/control life cycle in the current version, you need to use BasicDataList, retrieve data using Kentico CMS API and databind them to the control.

Best Regards,