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Chameane - 12/27/2005 12:18:45 PM
Displaying Several Document Types

I've never used XSLT stylesheets before and I need to display a default transformation for several document types like this:

Document types:

Doc type: Article1
Doc type: Features

Where Features are always child of Article1 types.

When I choose one particular Article1 (default transformation) I should show all fields of article1 doc type and links to all features docs wich are childs of the selected article

In my content tree I've got:


If I select article11, I should see all his fields and links to features1 and Features2 docs
If I select article12, I should see all his fields and links to features 3
and if I select article13, I should see all his fields and links to features4, features5 and features6

In kentico CMS developper's guide I've found "Writing XSLT Stylesheets" - Displaying severald document types.
I've tryed to adapt it to my needs but I cannot get the desired effect:
What I've made is:

<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" version="1.0">
<xsl:output method="html" />
<xsl:template match="cms.article1">
<h1><xsl:value-of disable-output-escaping="yes" select="Name" /></h1><BR />
<img><xsl:attribute name="src">~<xsl:value-of select="Photo" />
</xsl:attribute></img><BR />
<b>Text:</b><xsl:value-of disable-output-escaping="yes" select="Text" /><BR />
<b>Bussiness Line: </b><xsl:value-of disable-output-escaping="yes" select="Bussinessline" /><BR />
<b>Category:</b><xsl:value-of disable-output-escaping="yes" select="Category" /><BR />
<p><b>Attach:</b><xsl:call-template name="cms.features">
<xsl:with-param name="parentID">
<xsl:value-of select="article1ID" />
<xsl:template name="cms.features">
<xsl:param name="parentID" />
<xsl:for-each select="/NewDataSet/cms.Features[Product=$parentID]">
<i><xsl:value-of select="InfosPDF" /></i>

Where Product is a field of the cms.features template which saves the ID of the parent element and InfosPDF is the name of a PDF doc wich contains the desired features (once the page will be shown correctly I'll add a link to the PDF files)

If anybody can help me...


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admin - 12/27/2005 6:35:47 PM
Re: Displaying Several Document Types

could you please post here which control you are using to display the results and how it's configured?

Thank you.

Best Regards,

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Chameane - 12/30/2005 2:59:49 PM
Re: Displaying Several Document Types
I was using a CMSRepeater and it was configured to show cms.article1 items (I don't know how to put several doc types in the configuration), so, I displayed the information contained in the article1 table but the features didn't appeared.
Finally I've almost solved the problem,
I use ascx transformations, and in article1 attributes I've added a multiple choice wich shows all the features and user should check the good ones.
The problem with this approach is that I could not profite of the arborescence of Kentico content.

I've tryed to make a query to show only features that are under the article doc but I haven't found a solution.

-Page wich show article1s docs

The problem is that everything seems refers the page wich shows the article1 docs and then, all the features are child of the page...

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admin - 12/30/2005 8:52:04 PM
Re: Displaying Several Document Types
It seems you're actually trying to display a hierarchical repeater. Please see Developer's Guide -> Knowledge Base -> KB0015 -> Displaying Hierarchical (Nested) Repeater.

Best Regards,