12/22/2005 4:57:03 AM
Problem: Upgrade 1.7b to 1.8
I use VS2003 and VB. I followed all the steps from the Instruction.doc from the upgrade package, however, I found that the following coding leading errors, (they may appear in different .vb files)
Imports Kentico.CMS.Mailer Imports Kentico.Commerce Imports Kentico.Configuration Private mForumControl As Kentico.CMS.Forums.IForumPosts
To compile the my project, I have to exclude the folder ForumControls and ShoppingCart.
It seems I wrongly add the dlls(Kentico.CMS.Mailer.dll, Kentico.Commerce.dll, Kentico.Configuration.dll and Kentico.CMS.Forums.dll) to the current project or anything else?