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JeremyThake - 12/22/2005 4:00:43 AM
PageTemplate .aspx files
I am trying to make it easy to seperate the Kentico files from the actual content and files that we create:

CMS files: Queries, Transformations etc.
CSS style files

That way when Kentico gets upgraded it should be a matter of just copying these files in with no hassles.

I can't seem to point to PageTemplate files unless they are in the root of the application. I wanted to isolate these into a seperate folder...even put them in the cmsdesk/metadata/_pagetemplates/ folder to keep everything under the metadata folder.

The same would apply for common user controls we create for header and footers for example.

Is there a way around this?

Jeremy Thake

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admin - 12/27/2005 3:08:27 PM
Re: PageTemplate .aspx files
Hi Jeremy,

there's no need to move the files to other folders. When upgrading Kentico CMS, you will always get instructions and files for appropriate folders. Your page templates will not be overwritten.

Best Regards,