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janusz - 12/12/2005 4:28:43 PM
Problem with Google Sitemaps

We had a problem when we wanted to use the Google Sitemaps functionality which allows website owners to see how their website is being crawled by Google. To use this feature we had to insert a file with unique generated filename so Google can verify whether we own that website. As part of the security checks it checks whether website responds with 404 HTTP Error when somebody accesses the page that does not exist.

I know that the URL Rewriting engine does not provide 404 at all. We had to overcome it by disabling the whole CMS for a while. Then verify the site in Google and enable the CMS again. It's not really a big issue as I hope we do not have to do it again but is there any other way how to do it? When the CMS is disabled the visitors cannot see the content and site is broken.

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admin - 12/20/2005 4:52:03 PM
Re: Problem with Google Sitemaps
Hi Janusz,

Thank you for your message. Could you please write me what kind of URL is requested by Google to verify the 404 error?

Generally, Kentico CMS URL rewriting engine processes only file types that are associated with ASPNET_ISAPI.dll library. In version 1.8 we put the behavior back to pre-1.7 versions, so when you request an aspx page that does not exist, you're not redirected to the home page. Instead, you get the standard 404 error.

I hope this helps. Please feel free to contact me if you need any help with that.

Thank you.

Best Regards,