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forrester - 11/23/2005 12:32:52 AM
Server Error in '/projectname' Application

I recently followed the advice in the following thread about updating the CMSDesk.dll library:

It worked, but another issue has risen due to that. When I log in to my cmsdesk and click on 'Content', I receive "Server Error in '/projectname' Application'". All the other tabs such as 'my desk', 'tools', etc. work, but not 'Content'. The 'edit and published' window appears, but my menu on the left does not.

I am wondering if I did something when I updated CMSDesk.dll. Your advice and suggestions are appreciated.

Thank you,

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admin - 11/24/2005 7:51:57 AM
Re: Server Error in '/projectname' Application

could you please write me what changes you made to the CMSDesk.dll library (CMSDesk project)?

Also, could you please write me the detailed error message?

Thank you.

Besgt Regards,

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forrester - 12/6/2005 5:52:47 PM
Re: Server Error in '/projectname' Application
I apologize for the long delay in response. I have since then purchased a copy since my trial ran out...I no longer get the error, but if it comes up again, I will give you more detail next time.

Thanks for your help.
