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operations_br - 10/13/2005 3:44:26 PM
Multiple kentico with one user table and permissions
Hi, my name is Daniel and i´m evaluating kentico on my localhost...

Is it possible to have 2 or moer kentico instalations and use just one table of users and permissions? Supose i have 2 sites, and All users and permissions of site "bbbb" should be verified at the "aaaa" server... Meaning that i have multiple subsites with just one centralized database of users...


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admin - 10/14/2005 9:11:57 AM
Re: Multiple kentico with one user table and permissions
Hi Daniel,

Thank you for your post. Yes, it is possible, but only for users and roles, not for permissions. You will have only one database with real data and any number of databases where tables CMS_User and CMS_Role are replaced with views reading data from the main database.

You can define the roles in the main database, set up their permissions in every instance and then only add or remove users to/from roles in the main database.

Should you need more details, please feel free to ask.

Best Regards,

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davidmohara - 12/21/2005 8:33:51 PM
Re: Multiple kentico with one user table and permissions
This won't work unless you delete the FK Constraint on the CMS_RolePermission table [FK_CMS_RolePermission_CMS_Role]. Since cross-table references aren't supported by SQL and you cannot include a view instead of a user table, there's not any way to alter this. Or am I missing something??

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admin - 12/27/2005 3:04:47 PM
Re: Multiple kentico with one user table and permissions
Hi David,

yes, you need to remove the constraints if you want to replace the tables with views.

Best Regards,