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Version 1.x > Technical support > Repeating Editable Regions View modes: 
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thebruce - 1/10/2006 5:41:03 PM
Repeating Editable Regions
How does one implement Repeating Editable Regions similar to Dreamweaver Repeating Editable Regions?

Bruce Pearson

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admin - 1/12/2006 7:19:32 PM
Re: Repeating Editable Regions
Hi Bruce,

Thank you for your question. Kentico CMS uses a different approach than Dreamweaver in regards to "repeating editable regions". If you want to display repeated items, such as article list or product list, you need to define your own document type with appropriate fields (CMS Desk -> Development -> Document Templates). Then, you can display a list of such documents using CMSRepeater or some other control.

Please let me know if you need more details.

Best Regards,