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Version 1.x > Technical support > right-to-left languages View modes: 
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emad_aljumah - 1/2/2006 10:44:32 AM
right-to-left languages
Does Kentico support right-to-left laguages like Arabic and Hebrow?

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admin - 1/3/2006 12:58:57 PM
Re: right-to-left languages

Thank you for your post. Yes, Kentico CMS generally supports RTL, but we didn't make very detailed tests yet. Here's how to configure it:

Open the web.config file and set the correct culture information – e.g.:
<globalization requestEncoding="utf-8" responseEncoding="utf-8" culture="ar-DZ" uiCulture="ar-DZ"

Open <web project>\cmsdesk\aspnet_client\fckeditor\fckconfig.js and set the following configuration options to new values:
FCKConfig.DefaultLanguage = 'ar' ;
FCKConfig.ContentLangDirection = 'rtl' ;

Open main.css stylesheet of the main web project (<web project>\main.css) and add the following line inside the body {} style:
direction: rtl;

Open the stylesheet of the CMSDesk project (<web project>\cmsdesk\design\cmsdesk.css and add the following line inside the BODY {} style:

direction: rtl;

Open the web site, sign in and see the new desing. Please note: the design may be a little misaligned; you may need to adjust it by modifying the CMSDesk.css stylesheet. Should you need any help with RTL support, please contact us at

Best Regards,

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emad_aljumah - 1/3/2006 9:43:23 PM
Re: right-to-left languages
Thank you for your reply. The above looks like it would work but only if you are only supporting RTL language. How would you support both Arabic and English in the same site?

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admin - 1/4/2006 5:57:56 PM
Re: right-to-left languages
Unfortunately, this configuration is not supported in the current version. We will consider it for some of the next version.

Best Regards,