1/27/2006 5:27:14 PM
some problems with multilanguague
I'm having some problems with Kentico's multilangue feature.
I have followed all the steps written in the developer's guide and in teh tutorial, but after that I created a Page(menu item) with a template that has two viewers, which I would like to give different content depending of the culture version of the page.
I made the page for the default culture, and then the asociated one in the alternative culture version. I retrieve the content of the viewers, specifying the slectNodepath propertiy (/Index/viewer1) and then in that path inside each culture version putting a different article item. But eventually this doesn't work, as I'm always viewing in the viewers in the articles defined for the default culture.
I have also defined CMSedit buttons for these viewers with the same selectNodePath and they work properly (redirecting to edit the appropiate article in each culture version). I cannot figure out why it is not working. I guess that maybe I'm not understandig how multilanguague works.