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Version 1.x > Technical support > Encoding problem on Transformation View modes: 
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astajl - 1/13/2006 6:25:08 AM
Encoding problem on Transformation
If we use non English on the transformations of document template, the ascx file (e.g. default.ascx) will be saved in utf-8 automatically. However, when we browse the content, it cannot display correctly, and there is an encoding problem like %^*$&@*.

To solve the problem, I have to goto cmsdesk\Metadata\CMS\MyProducts\Transformations, and then use notepad to save the default.ascx again in unicode.

I believed it is quite convenient if we have to do this process whenever we want to modify the transformation files.

<b>I want to ask the reason behind the problem, and any other better solutions to solve my problem?</b>

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admin - 1/13/2006 3:14:06 PM
Re: Encoding problem on Transformation
Thank you for your post.

I've just tested it in version 1.8 and it works correctly. Could you please write me which version you are using?

This bug was actually fixed in version 1.7b.

Thank you.

Best Regards,

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astajl - 1/17/2006 5:38:43 AM
Re: Encoding problem on Transformation
I use 1.7b (upgrade from 1.7a)