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chameane - 1/12/2006 5:29:28 PM

I'm trying to relook a BizForm to avoid to have a very long form.
For making this I'm creating my own form wich is divided in several modules to show only a module at once.
I've also make a Bizform form with the same fields to create the good database table and I've coded a function to save the fields of my form in the kentico bizform database so that I'll be able to sort and manage the form with your Bizform module.
The user's interface is my form and once the user has filled all the fields, I run the send function wich saves my forms fields onto your bizform database table.

Everything works fine when fields are of string type, notwithstanding I need users to be able to upload text files to the server.
I've found your CMSUploader but I dont know how to configure it to work with my form.
I didn't find doc about CMSUploader in the developper's guide...

Could you please tell me how I should configure it and what function should I call so that the uploader works fine?


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admin - 1/13/2006 2:52:48 PM
Re: CMSUploader

Thank you for your message. The CMSUploader control was specifically created for use with BizForm/KentiForm engine (that's why it isn't documented in detail, it's only described in the API Reference). If you need to create an upload field in your custom form, I would rather recommend you creating a standard upload dialog.

Best Regards,

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xjsdog - 1/15/2006 5:12:22 PM
Re: CMSUploader
I'm working now on the simillary thing, I made component(ascx control) for automaticaly created multipaged form based on BizForm with using all funcionality of it(rendering, validation, mail sending etc.). Everething is ok, but just only CMSUploader is not working properly, it is due to specification of used html control <input type=file/>, it's not problem of CMSUploader. It's principaly impossible to use this control thru more postbacks without own handling of uploaded files, because they are contained only in the request from "form/page" where the control was rendered. Try to read something about http file posting. You must keep them "anywhere" after postback from "form/page" with upload control and "manualy" use them in final request processing.
I found just one way to do that, don't use standard CMSUploader(for error throwing) and use own component which know to do specified above. But first question is "How to implement your own component(ascx control) to BizForm?". It's easy if your are familiar with standard Kentico CMSForms. If you don't know how to do that, write this and I can write some simple article in this forum about how to do that in the concrete...
I hope that my answer is understandable, sorry for my english:)

Jan Melichar