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vrivero - 2/7/2006 11:36:08 AM
repeater items with multilanguague

I'm developing a multilangue site, I have something like a news page where i want to display all the news in the selected languague. The problem is that I'm getting all the news in all the languagues. Do I need to activate any option in the CMS repeater to select only the ones of the session languague? I have tried to set CombinewithDefaultCulture to false, but it's still not working.

All the multilanguague options in the others parts of the site are working properly, except in this repeater.

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vrivero - 2/7/2006 1:51:22 PM
Re: repeater items with multilanguague

I've identified the problem, but I still dont know how to solve it.

Turns out that i'm doing this news page, using the solution given in this thread for paging the results of the page. The problem is that I dont know how can i retrieve with this solution the contents of only my current culture code. Might i do that in the SQL staement???


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vrivero - 2/7/2006 3:54:25 PM
Re: repeater items with multilanguague
Finally i figured out a way to solve my problem, I post it here, maybe somebody will find it useful.

I have modified the where clause, when i'm retrieving the content, based on the culture code that appears in the alisPath.

string where= "AliasPath like '%" + Session[ "CMSPreferredCulture" ].ToString() + "%'";

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admin - 2/8/2006 9:45:31 AM
Re: repeater items with multilanguague

Thank you for your post. I would only recommend you some minor improvement:

string where= "AliasPath like '/" + Functions.GetPreferredCulture() + "/%'";

Please let me know if I can be of any other help.

Best Regards,