Andre van der Hoeven
3/2/2006 12:09:09 PM
Hi Petr, I'm using the Kentico API to search my site with the filterResultsByReadPermission parameter set to true:
Functions.GetTreeProvider().Search("/", Kentico.CMS.TreeEngine.TreePathTypeEnum.AliasPath, SearchText, SearchModeEnum.AllWords, true, classNames, true, true);
but I do get results from a secured area:
<add key="CMSSecuredAreas" value="/Extranet" /> <add key="CMSSecuredAreasLogonPage" value="~/WebLogon.aspx"/>
When following the link in the search result, the logon form is presented. So, the current user (anonymous) does not have read permission in the secured area.
Can you tell me why pages from the secured area show up in the search results? Thanks, Andre