2/24/2006 4:28:12 PM
Re: modifying the LogonForm
thank you for your message. Unfortunately, the design of the logon form is not very configurable. However, you could do that perhaps with CSS positioning like this:
.LogonFormUserNameLabel { position:relative; left: 100px; top: -20px; }
Alternatively, you could create your own logon form - the only thing you need to do is to run code like this:
TreeProvider tree = Functions.GetTreeProvider(); object[,] paramsIdent = new object[ 1, 3 ]; if ( tree.SecurityProvider.AuthenticateUser( mUserNameTextBox.Text.Trim(), mPasswordTextBox.Text ) == AuthenticationResultEnum.OK ) { // get userid and set it to the session("CMSUserID") value paramsIdent[ 0, 0 ] = "@UserName"; paramsIdent[ 0, 1 ] = mUserNameTextBox.Text.Trim(); System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session[ "CMSUserID" ] = tree.Connection.ExecuteQuery( "cms.user.selectbyusername", paramsIdent ).Tables[ 0 ].Rows[ 0 ][ "UserID" ]; // redirect user FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage( mUserNameTextBox.Text.Trim(), mRememberCheckBox.Checked ); }
{ //logon failed }
Best Regards,