Heath Clouston
3/28/2006 2:55:05 AM
Using different Workflows with the same Page (menu item) document template
I'm trying to create pages that use different workflows.
For example my top level menu structure is as follows:
- Services - About us - Industries - Join us
The first three pages will be administered by marketing, so will use the same workflow. The Join us page however is administered by HR and will need a different workflow than the first 3 pages.
My problem is that all 4 pages use the document template "Page (menu item)" which only allows you to select one workflow which applies to every page that uses "Page (menu item)". How can I make it so that the Join Us page uses a different workflow?
Do I have to make an HR version of "Page (menu item)" so it can have an HR workflow? Is there an easy way to do this?
Any help would be much appreciated!