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Version 1.x > Technical supportBasicDataGrid Paging with more than 100 items View modes: 
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ta5ae - 3/27/2006 5:57:53 PM
BasicDataGrid Paging with more than 100 items
I am using the Basic Grid with auto generate columns option.

When I use the default page size 10 and I try to view a page numbered greater than 10 I find that the link takes me back to the first set of pages.

For example -
I click ... to see the higher page numbers.
I then click 14
I find I am viewing page 5

I am using the C# project. I notice this problem in 1.6b upwards. I cannot confirm the issues exists for the CMSDataGrid.

I am perplexed as I have no problem using the EventLog's paging the only difference I have noticed is the auto generate columns option is not used in this case.

Any ideas - Have I missed something or is this an issue?

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admin - 3/28/2006 12:34:26 PM
Re: BasicDataGrid Paging with more than 100 items

I have tested it with 1.8c/VB03 version and it works correctly. Could you plese write me which version you are using (build, language, 2003/2005)?

Thank you.

Best Regards,

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ta5ae - 3/28/2006 2:41:13 PM
Re: BasicDataGrid Paging with more than 100 items
I am usign the C# version 2003

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ta5ae - 3/28/2006 2:41:51 PM
Re: BasicDataGrid Paging with more than 100 items

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admin - 3/29/2006 8:25:46 PM
Re: BasicDataGrid Paging with more than 100 items
Thank you. I have tested this in 1.8c / c# / 2003 and it works. Could you please post your code here or send it to

Thank you.

Best Regards,

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ta5ae - 3/30/2006 2:04:22 PM
Re: BasicDataGrid Paging with more than 100 items
Thanks a lot for investigating this issue for me.

The fault lies in my code.

Best regards,
