4/12/2006 7:28:08 AM
Re: How to display Product and ImageGallery on the same page?
Your solution works, but the flexibility is quite low. This approach limits the Path level must 3. If sub categories are added in the future, the aspx file must be modify again, or use other page template (use other aspx file). Right?
Is there an other approach have higher flexibility?
I try to set some server tag value to the SelectNodesWhere attribute in the Product's transformation file e.g. details.ascx as <b><uc2:ImageGalleryThumbnails id="ImageGalleryThumbnails" runat="server" SelectNodesMaxRelativeLevel="1" SelectNodesWhere="ProductName=<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.ProductName") %>"SelectNodesPathType="AliasPath"></uc2:ImageGalleryThumbnails></b>
But server tag is not allowed on this case. Do you have any other suggestion?