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Version 1.x > Technical support > Set "Publish From" and "Publish To" to Files and Folders? View modes: 
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astajl - 5/2/2006 10:11:18 AM
Set "Publish From" and "Publish To" to Files and Folders?

I want to create a new transformation of document template "File" and "Folder", so that users can browse/download the specific files.

Similar to other node, I found we can set the "Publish From" and "Publish To" value in the table CMS.Tree. Can we set this 2 attributes in table CMS.Tree to the files?

How can we set these 2 attributes, should we modify the cmsdesk\Content\Edit.aspx? or anything else?


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admin - 5/2/2006 3:11:49 PM
Re: Set "Publish From" and "Publish To" to Files and Folders?

You only need to go to Development -> Document Templates -> Application: CMS -> File -> Settings and set the “usepublishfromtofields” value to “true”.

Best Regards,