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norashlea - 4/18/2006 1:35:53 AM
Editable Region Data Incorrect

I've encountered a strange problem of the wrong data (content) recorded in an editable region being displayed on the site, but not within CMSDesk.

This is 2.0, C#, CMSDesk ver. 8c.

I have one Master file, with two templates:
default.aspx (the Home page)

Both these templates have 3 editable regions:
ID="CMSEditableRegion1", RegionTitle="PageContent"
ID="CMSEditagleRegion2", RegionTitle="Left Nav Content"
ID="CMSEditableRegion3", RegionTitle="Page Banner"

Then I have a 3rd template, sitemap.aspx, using the same Master file, but with only 2 of the above editable regions:
ID="CMSEditableRegion2", RegionTitle="Left Nav Content"
ID="CMSEditableRegion3", RegionTitle="Page Banner"

On the sitemap.aspx, the area that was used on the other two for "CMSEditableRegion2" contains "CMSSiteMap1".

In CMSDesk, I have entered content into the editable regions on sitemap.aspx, and when viewing the published site within CMSDesk everything displays correctly. BUT, when I view the site outside of CMSDesk, the content that was recorded for the Home page is displayed on the two editable regions on the Site Map!!! I've checked the data that is recorded in the CONTENT_MenuItem table for the page, and it is correct. (btw -- the site map area displays correctly)

I am very confused!!! What would cause this? And how do I get the page to display the correct content?


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admin - 4/18/2006 1:51:18 PM
Re: Editable Region Data Incorrect
Hi Sharon,

Thank you for your post. This could happen if the CMS cannot find an apropriate page for the sitemap.aspx page in the database and uses the default (/home) page instead.

Could you please check what is the URL of the sitemap page when you are editing it in the CMS Desk and compare it to its alias path?

Thank you.

Best Regards,

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norashlea - 4/18/2006 10:17:28 PM
Re: Editable Region Data Incorrect
Hi Petr,

I found the problem.

It seems that if you name the template in CMSDesk the same as the aspx filename, this is when the system gets confused!

My aspx filename was "sitemap.aspx", and the page template that I created in CMSDesk to display the page was "Sitemap". I renamed my physical aspx template file to "sitemapx.aspx", renamed the file for the template in CMSDesk, and ... magic ... "Sitemap" now displays the correct content!!!

I think that by default, the system must look to find a physical *.aspx file in the site folder (the way a standard .net project would do). If it finds one, it then reads content for any CMSEditableRegions from the /home page (CMSPageManager is on the Master page). If no physical *.aspx file is found, it then finds the relevant entry in CMS_Tree to create the virtual *.aspx page and display content appropriately.

I will note to always use more obscure *.aspx filenames for my templates, so this doesn't happen to users creating pages once a site is live!
