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Version 1.x > Technical support > CMSEditableRegion HtmlEditor ToolbarSets View modes: 
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JeremyThake - 1/10/2006 2:38:27 AM
CMSEditableRegion HtmlEditor ToolbarSets
I can see that Kentico CMSEditableRegion HtmlEditor is FCKeditor which has toolbar sets. If I want to only show a few of teh icons in the toolbar usually you would create a ToolbarSet, but because the property is not exposed by CMSEditableRegion by the control I can't do this.

Can this be exposed so that if we want a narrower editable region with fewer icons we can on certain regions?


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admin - 1/12/2006 7:17:17 PM
Re: CMSEditableRegion HtmlEditor ToolbarSets
Hi Jeremy,

Thank you for this suggestion. We will try to implement it in Kentico CMS 2.0.

Best Regards,

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VegeJuice - 5/4/2006 10:09:19 AM
Re: CMSEditableRegion HtmlEditor ToolbarSets
It can currently be done - in fckconfig.js create a new toolbar set - use FCKConfig.ToolbarSets["Default"] as a guide. In the CMSEditableRegion tag, set the HtmlToolBarSet attribute to the name of the toolbar set. Works a treat.