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Version 1.x > Technical support > CMSFileFolder when in multilingua Support. View modes: 
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mhchew - 6/6/2006 7:31:10 PM
CMSFileFolder when in multilingua Support.
I follow thw tutorial by Kentico, try to create a nultilingua site. Everything is fine, except the image display. When in en-us culture, the logo and Homepage image display perfectly. When in other language like french, the image didn't display. When I go to cmsdesk and edit the logo, and homepage image. I couldn't upload the file, it always say file exist.... The default files folder go to en-us culture. How do I upload the files for other culture like french? Can I use the same folder as en-us culture? that's in the path /kentico/files? When I create a new culture, a separate folder that identify the culture should created for me, ex: /kentico/fr/files.

Everything is fine, except I can't change the image, and I can't upload the files. I have specify <add key="CMSFilesFolder" value="/kentico/Files" /> what else should I do next?



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admin - 6/7/2006 7:47:46 AM
Re: CMSFileFolder when in multilingua Support.

Thank you for your message. This is unfortunately a bug in version 1.9. It will be fixed in version 1.9a later this month. In the meantime, you can try to add the following parameter to your web.config:

<add key="CMSCombineWithDefaultCulture" value="true"/>

I'm sorry for this inconvenience.

Best Regards,