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Version 1.x > Technical support > More than one site on one instance View modes: 
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pphillips - 5/25/2006 7:50:12 AM
More than one site on one instance

Is it possible to have one copy of running while have more than one site on this single instance which shares the same database and code?

Example, if I had SiteA and SiteB, SiteB would have a complete different content, users etc than siteA but both using the same instance/database.



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admin - 5/25/2006 8:32:58 AM
Re: More than one site on one instance
Hi Paul,

Thank you for your message. If the sites are completely different, you will, unfortunately, need to install a separate instance of Kentico CMS for every site. The multisite support will be introduced in Kentico CMS 2.0 (should be available at the end of this summer).

Best Regards,

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pphillips - 5/25/2006 8:43:42 AM
Re: More than one site on one instance
Does this mean that I will also need a seperate database, if so, can I use Access DB?

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admin - 5/29/2006 7:07:20 PM
Re: More than one site on one instance
Yes, you will also need a separate database. Unfortunately, Access is not supported - you can use only MS SQL Server.