5/20/2006 5:59:24 AM
Permission on shared web hosting environment
Hi, I know that for kentico cms to work, I have to set modify permission on the web folder for ASP.NET (WinXP/NT) or Network_Service (Win2003). In shared web hosting environment, normally they don't allow to have modify permission on all the folder/files under the root folder. Is there any workaround for this? Is it possible that I create a folder under the root, ex: kentico, than my actual web url will be In this case I can set modify permission for this folder kentico. But I need to put something at the root folder, so that whoever visit will be redirect to, but the client's browser still show the url address, but not Is it possible? In this case, what is the web.config setting need to be taken care?
Because in shared web hosting environment, the permission for root are all set to list ONLY. And the permission are inhherited from parent to child.
I think Kentico should highlight this in the guide/tutorial in order for those who want to host in the shared web hosting environment. Kentico should prepare a few scenarios for kentico cms to work in shared web hosting environment.