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cpaul - 5/31/2005 9:43:19 PM
How To: Decouple CMSDesk from an app
Here's some advice if you initially installed your Kentico app and now want to decouple it, such that you can use separate logins in your application and the cms desk. This assumes you initially installed with the helper app, and have the source code version.

1. Create a directory to use as the application root for the new CMSDesk app.
2. Configure an IIS Application as /yoursite/cmsdesk based on the directory above.
3. Copy the CMSDesk_cs folder from the Kentico source to the directory you configured above.
4. Copy the files in the /cmsdesk/metadata directory of your original app into the meta direcotry of the new cmsdesk app
5. Copy any custom icons from the /cmsdesk/design/icons directory into the new one.
6. Update the web.config properties in the new cmsdesk application by copying the values from the old app
7. Rename or move the cmsdesk subdirectory from your original project.
8. Comment out the Kentico generated code in the Global.asax.cs file:
- Application_AuthorizeRequest
- Session_Start (but leave the preffered culture section)
- There may be other references that I deleted instead of commenting out, basically anything dealing with users will no longer be needed
9. You may remove the code dealing with authorization and user id's from the Functions file if you wish.

So far I've had good luck with it running in this mode, hope this helps someone. There's most likely a few details I've omitted.

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admin - 6/8/2005 6:49:46 PM
Re: How To: Decouple CMSDesk from an app
Hi Chip,

Thank you very much for posting this here. We originally used CMSDesk and WebProject as separate applications in version 1.0, but it appeared to be too complicated for developers, so we mixed them. I hope we will be able to simplify the whole thing with new code model in ASP.NET 2.0.

Best Regards,

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wtijsma - 6/9/2005 12:37:00 PM
Re: How To: Decouple CMSDesk from an app
Also, usually in a shared hosting environment it can be an issue to have an extra configured IIS application, so it's a good thing they can both run in the same application as well...

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amiklein - 5/16/2006 2:39:27 PM
Re: How To: Decouple CMSDesk from an app

I'm starting a new ASP.NET 2.0 web site and I want it to be Session Less.
Is it possible to decouple the web site and the CMSDesk in that way? Meaning, can the web site not use Sessions ?

In addition, what params in the web.config and what code in the global.asax.cs I need to have for the web site.



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admin - 5/24/2006 1:39:12 PM
Re: How To: Decouple CMSDesk from an app

Thank you for your message. Unfortunately, they cannot be decoupled since they need to share the session variables for the editing mode. You can however configure cookieless session variables or out-of-process session storage using standard ASP.NET web.config settings if the sessions/cookies are an issue for you.

Best Regards,